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Power Up Your English with Michelle Episode 34

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Hi everyone and welcome back to ‘Power Up Your English’!

In today’s episode, we’re going to explore how to improve our conversation skills! For some of us, chatting away is super easy and I’ll bet you’d be able to think of all kinds of things to talk about all day long. However, for some of us, it can be…a little more tough going.

Perhaps you’re not confident in starting conversations or know how to change onto another topic. Or perhaps you struggle to maintain a conversation or know how to respond when someone is speaking.

Well, fear not, for today we’ve got some great tips for you to uphold that fantastic chitter chatter!

● Conversation starters
● Showing Engagement/Enthusiasm towards someone
● Changing Topics

In the Common Room
Weekdays 5pm
RTHK Radio 3
Hosted by @alysonhau
문화 - Culture
English Learning, In the Common Room, Learn English With Michelle
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