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Ruby Ring | 红宝石戒指 | 루비반지 - Ep.43 (2014.05.21)

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Ep.43: Chorim gets mad at Dongpal for being rude to Gongnam. Dongpal agonizes because he doesn't have the courage to tell Chorim the truth. Geumhui borrows $10,000 from Ilsun to sign a lease deal to open her own bakery as per Daepung's advice. After his argument with Runa, Gyeongmin calls up Insu for drinks. Gyeongmin gets drunk, and Insu brings him home. Runa is shocked to see Gyeongmin on Insu's back in front of their house.
楚琳见到东八对贡男无理取闹,这让她很生气,东八无法表明自己的感情而感到痛苦万分。 另外,琴姬答应大风会把店铺定金交给他,她请求一顺借给自己一千万韩元,一顺一开始坚决拒绝,最终仍然妥协了。敬敏跟露娜吵架借酒浇愁,他叫来了仁秀,并向他倾诉苦衷。敬敏醉得不省人事,仁秀不得已背他回家,仁秀的突然出现让露娜大吃一惊,慌忙之中一句话也说不出来......
'Ruby Ring' Telecasting Time: Mon~Fri 12:30 & 23:00 / Sat 13:40 (Seoul,UTC+9) with English, Chinese, Malay subtitle on KBS World TV.
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